Nokia E62 - Landmark categories

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Landmark categories

You can view landmark categories in two views: one lists categories that already contain landmarks, and the other lists all

To view the landmarks, select the category, and press the joystick.
To move a landmark, scroll left. Scroll to a landmark, and press



Add to category

. Scroll to the old category, and press

the joystick to remove the mark. Scroll to the category to add the landmark, and press the joystick. Select



With each landmark, select


and select from the following options:


— Modify landmark information. Landmark information may be a name, category, address, latitude, longitude, and


New landmark

— Create a landmark directly into the category. Select

Current position

to make a network request for the

latitude and longitude coordinates of your current location or

Enter manually

to fill in the necessary location information.

Location information may be a name, category, address, latitude, longitude, and altitude.

Add to category

— Include the landmark in a group of similar landmarks. Scroll to the category, and press the joystick.


— Send the landmark to compatible devices.

Edit categories

— Add, edit, or delete the your landmark categories.

Landmark icon

— Change the icon of the landmark. Scroll to the desired icon, and press the joystick.

The available options may vary.



Edit categories




and select from the following options:

C o n n e c t i v i t y

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New landmark

— Create a landmark directly into the category. Select

Current position

to make a network request for the

latitude and longitude coordinates of your current location or

Enter manually

to fill in the necessary location information.

Location information may be a name, category, address, latitude, longitude, and altitude.

Landmark icon

— Change the icon of the landmark. Scroll to the desired icon, and press the joystick.

To delete a landmark category, scroll to it and press the backspace key. You cannot delete preset categories.